The Omnipresent God In Psalm 139:3-10 the author speaks directly to the power and presence of God. One of the big take-a-ways as we read this scripture is God’s divine characteristic of being omnipresent. This simply means that the only true God, the God of the Holy Scriptures is ubiquitous or that He is everywhere at the same time. However, if we are not careful we can step right past this consideration and miss the divine significance. God’s omnipresence is bigger than it appears at first glance. He is not just everywhere at the same time, but He is everywhere at the same time from the beginning of time to the end of time at any given moment. God’s omnipresence surpasses the concept of time. He exists in this moment as He did yesterday and as He will tomorrow in every part of every universe in every moment from before there was time until the place when there is no time. It is difficult for the finite to comprehend the infinite. And even to call God infinite is to bear witness to the inability of humanity to grasp the incredibleness of God. For He is not infinity if He holds infinity in His hand. It is folly even to make a half hearted attempt to compare God to anything. This is what the Psalmist meant when he said, “Oh magnify the Lord with me…” But how do we magnify that which is already so large and powerful that we cannot comprehend it? The Psalmist is not encouraging us to make God bigger, he is encouraging us to make our situations, circumstances, struggles and problems smaller. When we rightly consider God and then consider our issues we come to the conclusion that they are truly insignificant in the shadow of our Jesus. God is not in one place or the other. God is everywhere and as a result He knows everything. From what happened before there was time to what will happen at any point in the future, He knows it because He is there right now. The bigness of God is unfathomable. Revelation 1:8 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, says The LORD, which is, and which was, and which is to come, The Almighty.” God’s omnipresence means that as best we can describe Him in human terms, He is literally never beginning and never ending. We cannot measure Him or count anything about Him. He is boundless. It is meaningless to try to invoke His presence, to summon Him or raise Him up. He is God. It is beneficial for us to pray that He would grant us awareness of His presence and His ways; that He would raise us up to see and understand Him better. 2Chronicles 2:6 “But who is able to build Him an house, seeing the Heaven and Heaven of Heavens cannot contain Him? It is impossible to run from God or hide from God, for wherever we are, He is there. God is not remote. He is not far from us. He is as close as our minds, our hearts, and our mouths. While because of our dissimilar natures we can feel as though He is far from us, it is God Jesus Christ who has reconciled us back to God The Father by our faith in His atoning death on the cross for our sins. This omnipresent God reminds His authentic spiritual children that He will never leave us or forsake us. Jeremiah 23:23-24 “Am I a God at hand, says The LORD, and not a God afar off? Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? Says The LORD. Do not I fill Heaven and Earth?” God’s omnipresence should provide for us all a sense of reverence, awe, and brokenness. When rightly discerned it should help us to rightly appreciate the God-ness and goodness of God. It should better position us to worship the One True Living God in Sprit and in Truth. It should also be a sense of great comfort for the blood washed believer to know that this omnipresent, all-powerful God, who loves us so, is always with us. When we sense evil it is imperative that we do not focus on the evil, but that we acknowledge and focus on the presence of Jesus. We always have the security of His presence. Not only is he with us, but just as importantly, He is for us. Visit our website at for more information to help you reach your full spiritual potential. |

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