Is It Live or Is It Memorex? “However, it is written: no eye has seen, no ear heard, no mind has conceived what GOD has prepared for those that love Him, but GOD has revealed it to us by His Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of GOD. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man’s spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of GOD except the Spirit of GOD. We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from GOD, that we may understand what GOD has freely given us.” – 1Corinthians 2:9-12 To be a Christian is actually an incredible blessing that comes with an equally incredible responsibility. We are tasked with both the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. We are sent on a mission to win souls and make disciples which can only be accomplished when we love The Lord our God with all that we have and put Him first in every situation. The business of souls is very serious business, because you are dealing with life and death, and destiny, and eternity. You could gain the whole world and lose your soul and gain no benefit. If we as authentic spiritual children of God are going to please Him the only way to accomplish this is by the very Spirit and mind of God. The Holy Spirit who is God is the one who points us to Jesus God because He is the living word of God, which is truth and cannot lie. There was a company named Memorex that made commercial in the 70’s that compared a recording to a live performance of a famous singer. Both the live performance and the recording were used to shatter a wine glass. The idea was that you would not be able to tell the two apart. The slogan echoed this message: “Is it live? Or is it Memorex?” It was a really effective marketing idea. But it is a disastrous spiritual model. When it comes to praise, to worship, to obedience, God does not want a cheap imitation, no matter how much it may appear to be like the real thing. God wants and will settle for nothing less than the real thing. So what about the life we say we live for Jesus. Is it live or is it Memorex? Life is full of the mundane, the things we do over and over again. At first these things may have been exciting, but now the routine of them have made them monotonous and tedious. The list of items where we were once passionate but now they have lost their luster is extensive. That new job, our marriages, that new car, the new house, so many things. And if we are not careful we may find that we have allowed Jesus Himself to be added to this list. Have we allowed Jesus and His church to become “old hat”? It is our responsibility, even our duty, to make every day new in the “Goodness of God’s Spirit”. We must take charge by the power of The Holy Spirit of God and declare the goodness of The Lord is upon us, regardless of what we see, hear, or feel. We are great at talking about it. Isn’t it time that we started authentically living what we claim to know is true? Is it live, or is it Memorex? Visit our website at for more spiritual encouragement to help you reach your full spiritual potential. |

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