Is Anyone Convinced? “We boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring.” 2 Thessalonians 1:4 When it comes to being a mature Christian, many of us are good at talking about what that means. We also do a great job of recognizing one in the Bible. We do a fairly good job of recognizing spiritual maturity in the lives of those we live around. Yet while we know what ingredients go into the life of a mature Christian, we can struggle with exhibiting those attributes ourselves. This is especially so in the midst of the adversity of life. Only during our trials are we able to see who we really are. We might build a house that looks really good on both the outside and the inside, but only when the winds of adversity and the storms of hard times come can we tell how well the house was constructed. What a powerful compliment Paul gives to the Thessalonians. He says that, in effect, he, Silas, and Timothy (his fellow missionaries) had been boasting to those they had come in contact with about the Thessalonians. He applauded them for their determination to do the will of God and their confidence in the Word of God. All this in spite of the mistreatment, discrimination, bullying, and tests they were experiencing. This is a critical trait in the life of a mature believer, for this is the only way those around us will really see the convincing power of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which can best be seen when a Christian is going through a difficult time. It is in the storms of life that others can see the authentic power of Christ. How many times we go to church, read our Bibles, or pray is not significant to those that are hurting around us. For the most part they don’t care. But when we can handle real adversity with grace, love, peace, and joy—then they see us as having something worth seeking themselves. This is taken from the book “100 Days of Inspiration”. It is available on our website on the “shop” page. Visit our website at for more information on how to reach your full spiritual potential. |

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